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October 3rd 4th & 5th 2024
Thursday thru Saturday 9AM to 5PM
5 Participating Quilt Shops

Free Fat Quarter
(While Supplies Last)
Jingle Pals by Robert Kaufman Fabrics

Two Grand Prizes!
Runners who make it to All 5 Quilt
Shops will be entered into the
Grand Prize Drawings*.
Grand Prize #1: Janome Travelmate 30
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Grand Prize #2: 15 Yards of Fabric.
Choice of 3 Yards of Fabric from
each Quilt Shop.
*Participants must visit all 6 stores to be eligible.

20 % Off Coupon
Bring non-perishable food items
to each shop for a 20% off Coupon
good for the month of December 2024.
limit 1 per customer.

$50 Gift Certificates
Participants must visit at least 3 stores to be eligible.
(One Winner from each Quilt Shop.)